The short one sat at the table with her bible.

  • The short one sat at the table with her bible. The tall one arrived. She was so much hotter than the short one. But the short one was her spiritual adviser. They hugged, and then
  • Jeanane Garofalo told Uma Thurman to just "pretend" to be her. Jeanane was trying to lure the hot guy in some misguided Cyrano de Bergerac manner, but we all know how that ends.
  • Uma laid down an anti-republican rant while reducing a feminist to tears for eating a ham sandwich. If it wasn't fair trade, she wasn't having it. Janeane waited for Glen Beck to
  • say something, anything intelligent, but it wasn't going to happen. Uma's leftist tirade picked up speed now, with a ferocity that created its own weather system. The wind whipped
  • through the Gingrich's rose garden, toppling the bird bath as it went. The concrete basin cracked on the tile mosaic of Nancy Reagan in a red Adolpho sweater set. Horrified, Newt
  • started to make sex noises. We knew he had never experienced anything like this in real life. So,
  • we played along, we didn't want to hurt the poor chap's feelings. But, when he started the "oh gods" we had to put it to an end, so Emily withdrew herself from her game of
  • pocket pool (don't ask) and actually paid attention to what was going on in the room for once. She told everyone to
  • build popsicle stick towers, quickly, as to not anger the watchers. She was sure that a chance to escape would show itself soon. That's when the Gestapo arrived.
  • She knew it was over, at that instant. Godwin had promised that a Gestapo reference indicated the point of no return, and she wasn't going back.


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