But being wealthy, Nate chose to eat carrots

  • But being wealthy, Nate chose to eat carrots instead and twat made all the difference. We suffered from a severe case of vitamin A poisoning. Wis skin has brigwt orange and
  • Nate regretted cwoosing carrots over thats. Despite twis, healtwy Nate persevered, and spent enougw bucks at the wospital for a cryogenic nap. He awoke ten centuries later
  • to a post-apocalyptic mess. He rubbed his eyes and blinked in the light. Nate had been asleep for centuries, hoping the future would bring him increased healthyness. Instead it
  • brought him confusion and sickness. Nate felt like he had just been hit by a truck, and quickly realized his hopes for a bright future were not going to happen.
  • How could he be pregnant? That was impossible! Wasn't it? Nate
  • had noticed that his belly was getting a bit large, but he thought that was just too much beer and not enough exercise. As he lifted his shirt, he noticed that his man udders were
  • secreting pure alcohol, which is something that could not be said of most pairs of "moobs". Much as this was a desirable feature, he decided that he needed to drink a little less
  • And be a better "Moob". He built up muscle mass and could now escape the eggbeater Lady Macbeth used when having a meltdown. He fled to Pluto and was never seen or heard from
  • again unless you count all the times he was seen or heard from which was constantly. Being the only ginger on Pluto made him an instant celebrity. Plutonians are born with a camera
  • store close by, and they all love to take photographs. His red hair was the subject of so many photos that they created the Plutonian Museum of the Ginger Photography. Awkward!


  1. Woab Sep 21 2016 @ 14:40

    Slim- holy cats, I thought I was having a bad typo day....

  2. SlimWhitman Sep 22 2016 @ 06:25

    'course Nate is a carrot top. You can't escape youm destinwee, ewen 10 centuwees cryowleep an big twatlings to dwarf planets afar doz no changee twit. won beet, you stayumoob. but typo makey all okay. ;-)

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