La gran depresión estalló en octubre de

  • La gran depresión estalló en octubre de 1929
  • Hola
  • ...I can't remember a thing after that. I guess I passed out. I was on the cold, cement, urine-stinking floor inside the movie theater restroom. I don't know how long I was out..
  • I left the theater & was surprised to see a sign advertising the candidacy of a certain "Donald Trump" for the Presidancy. Had Coolidge died, then? & since when do cars go so fast?
  • Why were we nominating a defunct trumpet that had a guinea pig tupee as the president? How had I manged to move forward so far in time? Last I remembered it was 1925 and I was read
  • -ing the program at the Ziegfeld Follies, looking to see if Lola Jones was still on the roster for that night's show. I had heard she was pregnant and worried that it was my child
  • . But the numbers didn’t add up. 1--number of times I rode her bareback. 9—chromosomes I lacked to impregnate a horse. 13—number of days I had been out of the mental institution.
  • 74--number of murders I've done to get the horse. 2--crates of apples for the horse. 7--pairs of bras for the horse. 9--other horses to keep my horse social. 13--miscarriages the h
  • Orse had had. 3 - the number of wigeons Mr. Ed saw. 2- the number of rooks Mr. Ed saw. 19 - the number of times the tellie came on last night.
  • And Orse saw that it was good, but lists always make him anxious. So he popped a xanax. Then another. Eventually, he would have to admit that he would never recapture his foe.


  1. Rebbie Mar 06 2017 @ 17:51

    Oh boy someone should take this poor fella to the looney tunes bin! :S

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