U.S.-Pakistan relations reached the nadir

  • U.S.-Pakistan relations reached the nadir of absurdity this week when it was revealed that 5000 American ex-pats in Pakistan were in the streets protesting the American TV show
  • "Who wants to Marry a Pakistani Millionaire?" They were upset that they couldn't participate in the show because only American citizens living in the U.S. were able to apply.
  • But this was a new version. It was "Who Wants to Marry a Pakistani Millionaire?" blended with "Toddlers and Tiaras" and "Storage Wars." The reality show was heavily financed by a
  • secret CIA-Bill Gates venture to numb peoples minds while Windows took over the computing world. "Who Wants to Marry a Pakistani Stage Mom Storage Queen?" was before its time and
  • ignored by a hungry public intent on watching only the highest caliber of scripted entertainment. The public's taste was so incredibly high brow that it became quite a chore to
  • pull those that way
  • and... just a little to the left. Most supermarket stock jobs where run of the mill. But he was an artist! Stacks of Diet Mountain Dew became Bauhaus tableaus. Charmin arranged
  • themselves into temples fit for ketchup worship. As he was putting the finishing touches on his Mona Lisa inspired fruit arrangement, the supervisor
  • who loathed Da Vinci but loved Greta Knudson slashed the Mona Lisa fruit sculpture to bits. Much better now. Also, it would be easier for the temple guests to eat the pineapple
  • pie if that idiot Steve would just back off and let someone else take a bite. However, it was neither his concern nor his responsibility, so he let it slide.


  1. SlimWhitman Oct 20 2012 @ 06:03

    "Charmin' ketchup display... and those tomato cans. Are they Warhols?"

  2. Chaz Oct 20 2012 @ 07:21

    Steve, as in Steve Jobs? The conspiracy continues...

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