When I awoke, it was pitch dark and I could

  • When I awoke, it was pitch dark and I could barely hear the sound of two male voices--but not loud enough to hear what they were saying.
  • That's because I am Helen Keller. Warrior of silence, keeper of the eternal darkness. I've been battling Satan since I was born.
  • I'd been silently picketing outside El Diablo for months but business had never been better. They did have an amazing carne asada burrito. That I had to admit. But I admonished
  • La Paloma Blanca (gently of course) for sheltering El Diablo Taqueria under her transcendant wings. I picketed in silence and she acknowledged me in silence, but business went on
  • despite this. I was hungry and decided to eat somewhere new. I wandered around and found myself in a part of the city I was unfamiliar with. I came to a place called Mal Papagayo.
  • A man sitting on his Verix bike watched me carefully, talking with his friend. I walked past them, scanning the holomenu on the front window to find that today's special was
  • One free coffee for each folded story I did. I ended up telling the waitress I would rather have water. She needed the coffee more than me. We folded 50 stories that day. Imagine
  • us folding paper napkins in the Diner until the early hours of the morning, Alice persisted on coffee, and I on the fumes of her cheap perfume.
  • By five a.m. Alice was drinking her cheap perfume and dabbing coffee behind her ears, and I was laughing uncontrollably. A strange man in the corner table by the jukebox spoke.
  • "I've been singing this song now for twenty five minutes. I could sing it for another twenty five minutes. I'm not proud... or tired." I knew what he meant. Ah, Alice's Restaurant.


  1. rewster1 Sep 21 2016 @ 09:50

    Amazing ending! Alice's Restaurant! You can get anything you want!

  2. Dhanithecat Sep 21 2016 @ 11:00

    I had a friend named Alice who ran a restaurant!

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