When I realized the attendant was back to

  • When I realized the attendant was back to comforting his friend in the women’s can, I decided to liberate some Gatorade, Combos, several kinds of chips and all the cash in the draw
  • and just then the Governor walked in, he grabbed a black & mild out of my hand, slipped me a 5 note and said
  • "Yo dere's another 10 in it fo ya if ya git me uh stiff drink, quick like mammy used ta". What could I do? This dude was a serious power player so I had to play it cool. I said
  • " Is that all ya mammy used to do?" I gazed into his shallow eyes, and noticed the unfocused sheen that often coats someone who was enjoying this life a little too much. "I think
  • I will join you" I said as I popped the last peep chick in my mouth. As the red dye number (hell who can count that high?) I finally understood what all of the fuss was about and I
  • didn't regret swallowing the living bird's whole. I could feel them fluttering as they made their way through my esophagus and into the twists and turns of my stomach.
  • The birds made me uneasy, so I next sought out the cat. Unhinging my jaw as mammals were never meant to do, I forced the cat's head into my gullet as it scratched at my face and
  • I ensured it entered my stomach alive. It would only be a matter of time before either the cat killed me or I killed it. How did I get myself into this predicament? My friend
  • Stephan was somewhat of a complete psychopath, and liked to remind of that fact quite often. SO when he approached with a box of cats and thumbtacks, I
  • quickly took cover. After he had finish throwing the box around, I saw blood and called 911. That was the last time I saw Stephan.


  1. Zetawilk May 27 2012 @ 15:11

    [Deep booming bass voice, jazzing it up in a macabre sort of fashion.] There was an old woman who swallowed a spider / that wriggled and jiggled and tickled inside her. / She swallowed the spider to catch the fly, but I don't know why she swallowed the fly. / Perhaps she'll die?

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