Several species of small furry animals are

  • Several species of small furry animals are gathered together in a cave and grooving with a Pict.
  • The Pict has funky tattoos on his chest & groovy stalagtights, but the furry animals can't see them cause they're blind as, well bats. As the Pict thumps his mandrum, ultrasonic
  • saloons light the neon and beckon his habit. The Pict breaks to feel the quarters in pocket and toes in shoes. He saunters forth at the intersection of
  • the High Road and the Dread Road. Which should the Pict take? Doesn't matter they all lead to the same grave. What does matter is what you've prepared for the other side. Gold may
  • glimmer, but it sure is useless when you're lost. Alright.. High road or Dread road... The Pict tried entertaining the dilema... but chose the dread road. What did it matter when
  • we're all gonna die anyway. Dread road or not, this whole planet was hurling towards a deadend and didn't seem to be slowing down. The Pict just wanted to prolong the inevitable.
  • To save humanity, there was but one option: leave Earth and settle on Mars. In 25 years, SpaceX had built up it capability so much that it could launch rockets to Mars twice a day.
  • The Martians were thrilled with their new guests arriving by the millions.In return, earthlings taught them cool stuff like how to get high & mega calorie sodas & shoot snuff films
  • & invade other planets. The Martians, now stoned and armed with sugary soft drinks and wretched films of their own making, then infiltrated Earth, but no-one here noticed. We were
  • busy staring at our phones, oblivious to it all, which was their plan all along. So look up, look out, take notice, and stop texting.


  1. Woab Feb 13 2018 @ 16:38

    This has been a public service announcement from Folding Story.

  2. IceSquad Feb 13 2018 @ 16:59

    The panacea is to fold stories here at FoldingStories. It's what separates us from the savages out there.

  3. IceSquad Feb 13 2018 @ 17:00

    *FoldingStory you cretins

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