Uncle Janni began his story thus, "Θυμάμαι

  • Uncle Janni began his story thus, "Θυμάμαι το σπίτι μας ταξίδι από την Τροία. Πήραμε την δρόμος με ολίγους, αλλά δεν είχε καμία τρίμηνα για τα διόδια.". We laughed at
  • him because he was kicked in the head by a mule when he was three. Since then he spoke pure gibberish, but it came in handy when
  • he landed a job as a news anchor on Fox "News". He was actually mostly coherent, his stories just completely fell apart when he spoke too long. One time on assignment the brain dam
  • broke, unleashing his torrent of political fury! No force could stop this political machine. Spin was now a term of damnation. Fair and balanced: the rule of the land. His name:
  • Rush Leroy Beck. He was the combined clone of two of the last remaining "Real Men of America." Though entering the race late, even after Iowa and New Hampshire, he rocketed to the
  • top of the poles,fulfilling the bizarre dark horse candidate fantasies of the party,but when Rush Leroy Beck won the nomination the shock was only surpassed by his choice of runnin
  • g Man campaign strategy. Rush Leroy Beck was obsessed with The Running Man movie, and announced that his running mate would be chosen from the survivors. The first gauntlet
  • involved paying one's taxes, explaining the theory of relativity to a 6-year-old and then ordering a pizza that everyone in the family can agree on. Of the survivors, Beck would
  • do the unthinkable. He logged onto FS.com as user "40cator" against others' protests, then wrote himself as a protagonist. He stepped out of Starbucks & into obscurity forever. Let
  • us meditate upon this wisdom now. Ooooohhhhhmmmmm......


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