The Tacoma's rear wheels skidded and fought

  • The Tacoma's rear wheels skidded and fought for traction against the red earth of Diablo Canyon. A half moon shed light on the bits of falling rock. Then a loud 'thump' followed
  • as the body in the trunk shifted with the truck's movement. Sweat beaded Angelo's monolithic brow as he wrestled with the wheel. He realized too late that leaving Vegas had been a
  • mistake without a shovel to bury the body. Angelo drove for a while and then pushed the body over the edge of the Grand Canyon. It got stuck in a wizened tree above a mule track
  • and hung there like a scarecrow in the moonlight until morning when the first mule train trudged down into the valley loaded with tourists. Guido's body with 2 vultures for company
  • looked like my dirty laundry,hanging from the hamper.The tourists took some pictures and the mule train went on its way.Guido's body would feed the vultures for two days before
  • being found. That's when I realized I forgot to take down the laundry hanging up to dry. Guido's tighty whities would be ruined out in the elements before I could retrieve them.
  • Guido's tighty whities were a totally necessary component to this critical equation. There's no way to adequately explain this. That's why I needed to get those undies off the
  • President's personal assassin. It wouldn't be easy. Guido was born hyperaware and had trained with the best, until he surpassed them. But his tighty whities might still be obtained
  • at JC Penny's regardless of his increased stature and increased size. The president knew Guido's humility was equal to his hyperawareness and that's why he kept him around for
  • negotations with North Korea. After all, if anyone could convince the Dear Leader that he wasn't really a god among men, it was this guy. Too bad he was drunk all the time.


  1. BlastedHeath Mar 24 2015 @ 18:49

    Wow! What an opener!

  2. BlastedHeath Mar 24 2015 @ 18:51

    ... and a great story followed!

  3. 49erFaithful Mar 25 2015 @ 13:19

    Thanks BlastedHeath!

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