Once upon a time, there was a frog and a

  • Once upon a time, there was a frog and a bog and a log. Sometimes the frog left the log in the bog for some grog. One day,
  • Og roller-bladed by the bog, spotted the frog and then smacked into a random log lying near the pond. Og went flying into the frog's bog, where he was flogged by the poliwogs.
  • Og thought he'd rather snog like a happy hog with wild dogs, than be flogged by these polliwogs. Og stood up too quickly in his clogs, knocking his noggin on a low hanging cog
  • which had been pulled from a bog where the fog was fat like a hog. Og drank grog and would never jog and listened to Kenny LOG gins and wrote a blog.
  • His WOW hunter is a trogg. His favorite version of Wild Thing, by the Troggs. He plays tennis in yellow togs. Martha Quinn was a guest on his vlog. He believes ill tidings are too
  • sick to rein in the new year. He solves the junior jumble in less than three minutes. He has no idea how to come up with spontaneous fact lists. His favorite flavor is green. He
  • once made a shower curtain completely out of Fruit Roll-Ups, which dissolved after use. He has no uvula. He once had a pet stool, and we're not saying which kind. His 4th marriage
  • was great, until he realized he married a pickle. But by golly she was a great pickle. Anyways he once had a pet rock, his name was bob. Unfortunately bob got ran over by a
  • Pickled herring created as a transportation/lover/meal hybrid by his uncle Collusus Dickenstein. The pickle didn't care, she'd made her home anywhere. Bob the rock was an arse
  • hole. Bob the rock was as dumb as a box of himself. When Amy told Bob she wanted to see the Rolling Stones, Bob took her instead to a falling-rock zone on Route 9 for some action.


  1. Woab Nov 13 2019 @ 14:28

    "Bob the rock was as dumb as a box of himself." Brill.

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