Standing atop the desert plateau, I peered

  • Standing atop the desert plateau, I peered through my scope and casually picked a target. No one in particular just some
  • dope eating cheerios. I hate that cereal. Heart healthy? Won't matter now. When I first started killing, I would think
  • about their families. Not any more, they deserve what they get. My father taught me to live by a code and I intend to
  • walk the walk and talk the talk. It won't matter who I step on. In the end it is this that matters most. You keep
  • getting what you want. No one will hand it you right or will they
  • will. You never know. That is what makes people so odd. That and
  • the fact that the name a person says the most in his lifetime is his own. What happened to compassion and community? Why is it that kids these days
  • spend so much time texting instead of actually having meaningful conversations face to face? And kids these days also have a bad habbit of
  • jumping around on their pogo sticks that come from Wal-mart or other big box stores. The colors are atrocious and the kids just can't
  • tell them apart because they all are color blind - which is a blessing in disguise. Isn't that the oddest thing?


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