She touched the little box in her pocket

  • She touched the little box in her pocket and smiled . She looked at the people milling about the mall. They looked so happy. She took the box out it. It's smooth black surface
  • belied its contents.She sat down on a bench near the crowded mall foodcourt & opened the black box. A puff of sage-scented smoke. The spirits of Thanksgiving Past were released.
  • Uncle Lou & the wishbone. Aunt Marge's soufflé sneeze. And GranGran's dental dam disaster of 1982. These wraiths, these ghouls, these spirits of Thanksgiving Past surrounded Sbarro
  • ,determined to haunt shoppers who dared to leave their families behind on this beloved holiday to be the first to get to the mall before Black Friday. The Thanksgiving spirits
  • - ghosts that is, not the kind hiding in the liquor cabinet - convinced many early bird shoppers to bow out and return to their families and friends. Holiday haunting
  • was another stupid theme that Tabitha came up with for the Company Party. She wanted a scary Christmas. It would be scary enough when Josh would hit the Cuervo. I needed a
  • drink. Unfortunately, Tabitha wasn't about to let me get anywhere near her carefully guarded buffet until all our coworkers had arrived. Including Josh. I began to
  • Appreciate almost finished folding stories because they are so ripe for puns. Tabitha practised her magick, accompanied by Samantha, and painted the kitchen yellow with no drips.
  • (That means Darren didn't help. Get it? Haw!) Tabitha and Samantha invited Dr. Bombay over for coconut curry in their newly painted kitchen, and he appeared immediately, wearing
  • shaman's feathers and holding a mammoth's tusk which he offered first to Tabitha and then Samantha. Each gave it a kiss and passed it on to the other. The curry went over well.


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