why are all these kids obsessed with Call

  • why are all these kids obsessed with Call of Duty, go outside...
  • cause they enjoy bad games
  • when the weather is nice, but let a hurricane come along, and they all scurry toward good games. Buncha "fair-weather friends" of bad games, my Aunt Criminy used to complain as
  • she darned my socks. "In my day, all the games were bad," she confided. Good old Aunt Criminy. You can't find advice like she used to give nowadays. Today, its all about how
  • Aunt Criminy loved folding socks. Her advice was usually about socks. "Don't bother with sports, honey," she concluded. "All they
  • are good for is sprained ankles and arthritis. The only good sports are the ones that demand socks. No point in anything that doesn't involve folding freshly laundered socks."
  • unless your washing machine and/or drier are broken. It takes the landlord about 3 weeks to get up off the couch and to actually fix something. He couldn't even fix something if he
  • was eating a yummy looking hamburger. Then he got up and said that the tv was also broken. I got so mad that I...
  • ran over to him and punched him right in the face. I was just so mad that I could not control my anger. I felt like a wild beast in the jungle that hadn't
  • eaten in weeks. I peeled out and drove away before anyone noticed what had happened. I think i'll go get some frozen yogurt.


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