I remember exactly where I was the day the

  • I remember exactly where I was the day the moon exploded.
  • "Doesn't everyone?" you might ask. For me it was a life changing moment. It wasn't the lost romantic evenings, the missing tides or the meteor showers that woried me. I was lycanth
  • rophilic; and the thought of seeing somebody transform before my eyes into a great hulking hairy wolf-beast gave me violent, debilitating spasms of excitement.
  • The great hulking hairy wolf-beast stuck a spoon in my mouth, misunderstanding my seizure of excitement as being a bona fide epileptic episode. We ended up connecting over a spot o
  • ' tea & had a good laugh over the whole misunderstanding. While munching on some crumpets, we even discovered we were distantly related. My mother's brother was his great-aunt's
  • . She'd bought him at auction and over the years my uncle won her over. They'd had eight children together. These revelations carried on while we moved from crumpets to whiskey. Pr
  • awn vindaloo was served for breakfast to the early and the stalwart. My cousin Einar leaned into my shoulder: "Hier kommt mi Familie" as my aunt and uncle entered, revelations conc
  • Urred about Uncle Heinz and Aunt Teek agreeing to be sold at Aldi for an extended stay at the Teekanne Residence Hotel on Lake Obelisk. Otherwise they would be foreclosed and not
  • be able to pass Go or to collect $200 which had been the linchpin in their retirement plans. With that gone it all fell down like a house of cards. That night, even a Lake Obelisk
  • fire truck refused to go to their burning house. They lost all their ratty clothes, their ancient TV, the hand-me-down toaster that didn't work, everything. The insurance paid off.


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