It was the last time I would try eating cheese

  • It was the last time I would try eating cheese on toast and tie my shoes at the same time. The resulting mess caused Phillipa to finally snap.
  • She began singing in a shrieking voice "Don't cry for me Velveeta". I was going to dispute that this is (or was) actually a kraft singles processed cheese slice but thought better
  • the batter the bigger the boost. So I let her have her Velveeta games. I was going to microwave the whole kilo and watch
  • recursive television programs interrupted by adverts for recursive television programs interrupted by adverts for recursive television programs interrupted by adverts for
  • and so on and so on. I took a ride down the mobius strip drinking whiskey from a kline bottle. The cops stopped my Ford Torus. "You again! You are in violation of topography law."
  • I looked at the cop. "Congratulations Officer, if you've been driving after me on this one-faced structure, you also violated topography law." Catch'ya on the flip side! and then
  • the cop pulled out his gun, pointed it into my head and dared to kill me. Fortunately, he had no ammo. I gave him one.
  • Then I gave him 2. Then 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. I gave him 10. But I wasn't going to give a cop pointing a gun at my head any more. No way. NO WAY. Does he think I'm some kind of fool
  • ? So I snatched back my bowl of Numberetti Spaghetti and finished the lot, right in front of his gaping pig's face. "You think you can intimidate me?" I grinned, sauce dripping off
  • my chinny chin chin. "Mangia merde e morte!!" He snorted & simply replied as he watched me finish the last of the Numberetti Spaghetti,"You just did." Revenge will be mine in hell.


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