Christian Louboutin

  • Christian Louboutin
  • Welcome to HTML Hell said computer Satan. He had a forked mouse, a keyboard made from cinder blocks.
  • He spoke in angled brackets, marked up with hashes & hidden clauses. #Beezlehub was so popular he added #hotdigs and #tenrulesytobreaktoday. computer Satan's
  • hashtag delight made Sophia sigh with pity. "The poor dear! Something has gone wrong here," She said to Himself. Computer Satan continued to tweet riffs on #Broth-El and the like,
  • spawning spam demons from the anonymous depths of cyberspace. Computer Satan sat back & laughed. The more the fools tried to protect themselves the deeper they sunk into his trap.
  • "muahahahahahaha" all will die under my hands said computer satan. Suddenly light started to glow behind of him, he turned and realised it was jeues
  • Until he realized Jesus doesn't exist. At that moment, he stopped hallucinating and returned to reality. But it was hopeless, he was stuck on the remote island, with no hope of esc
  • -ape. Forgetting Jesus, drugs and everything, he decided to find some coconuts so he could talk to someone, but unfortunatelly they were also too 'high'. So he had to get higher
  • than ever. He found a loophole, and dug all the way straight to China. Technically high was a length of measurement, a distance in the vertical, and since he went straight down...
  • it was depth. And in a very real way he did dig to the depth of the very essence of his being where he was everything he was meant to be... as Confuscius says...


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