Darwin, MN has the Largest Ball of Twine.

  • Darwin, MN has the Largest Ball of Twine. Rothsay, MN: Largest Prairie Chicken. In the small community of Zumbrota, MN, I Had to put our name on the map.
  • I contacted the man off the internet with 2 penises & asked him what it would take to get him to move to Zumbrota MN. He said 'a woman with 2 vaginas'. Luckily, after a cantankerou
  • s wart was removed on 8 separate occasions, I had what amounted to a shallow second vagina on my upper thigh. A deal was brokered. Soon the man with 2 penises and I knew each other
  • from a class we took showcasing the history of Canadian graffiti. I had a shallow second vagina on my thigh and the two-penised man was a freak like me. But we never talked about
  • our genitals, at least not directly. Instead we made up little songs like, "I'm going to Louisiana with a second vagina on my thigh" and "I've got two penises to paradise." People
  • often wish they had two genitals, so naturally they loved our songs. Sometimes we'd pretend we had genitals for hands, or genitals instead of a nose, but it is a privileged life we
  • lead, even just having one genital in our crotch area. But wait, can one have one genital? Does genital even have a singular? Isn't it like balls, bowels & hemorroides? So our song
  • Was about the absurdity of the English language. We included some obsolete words just to mystify the audience, which was mostly Millennials. They learned 50 new words that day!
  • Alas, all the words they learned were foul words. Or fowl words. In any case, they were very offensive to birds, which is why they poop on us to this very day. They're offended by
  • how they were depicted in Tudor era tapestries. The Jews and Gypsies got better treatment than we did. [That is the birds talking, not me.] Look at all the majesty the dogs get.


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