Day 2,346,439 since the destruction of the

  • Day 2,346,439 since the destruction of the colonies. From the personal log of Swill Adamant, 5-Star Rear Double Admiral of the Colonial Fleet and the Cattle Car Impractical:
  • Things to do today: !. Create a beach head to repel the Insectotrons in the air ducts. 2. Begin a spinning class. 3. Start my novel. 4. Request back-up on Parallel Dimesion X.
  • 5. Call extra dimensional plumber to clear backed up Parallel Dimension X aneurism. 6. Cash in on Madam Wong's Samurai Surgury coupon to have Wart removed. 7. Draw up battle plans
  • to conquer creeping eczema rash. 8. Purchase quantum soup and ingest at exactly 9 am. 9. Wait 10 seconds, then complete step #10. 10. Go back in time, and write down steps 1 to 4,
  • and purge the memory of steps 1-4 from your mind using a mind probe before re-enacting them according to the instructions you wrote down. 11. Travel back to the present day and
  • rewrite your folds so they make total sense. 12. Disassemble. 13. Reassemble. 14. Have a beer. 15. Reinsert mind probe, place helmet on head. 16. Get in. 17. Push red START button.
  • The singularity that was the internet begins to erupt from your monitor, and flows over your hands. The collective thoughts of FoldingSTORY has become a new living organism,
  • As yet unnamed. It has fur and a tail, and four legs. There are mice made especially for folding stories, to fit their paws. It was a direct tr Result of the merge between world
  • war I and Z. The zombies made for folding stories were similar to the mice, except without the tail and more ... decomposing, I guess.
  • But there's no denying they played a decisive part in human history.


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