Oh yes! He had found it! Years of torment

  • Oh yes! He had found it! Years of torment by his "friends" at the academy, scorn by the journal community and he was just a few feet from it. It was beautiful. He reached down
  • and touched the flower gently, stroked it like he would a baby's cheek. The petals were a brilliant orange freckled with soft yellow. The greatest discovery in
  • the world's history since the invention of the hot air balloon had been made. The great mountain of the South had been conquered. And his flower collection
  • had been ruined. But, he then decided to collect model cars and keep them in his spare room to look at when he was bored. He went to the store and found some for his
  • alter ego the "Japanese Car Manufacturer." On the floor the large inefficient American cars dominated, but the cars on his bed were being made better and cheaper, his mom
  • pointed out. "So," she continued, "what are you going to do about it?" He now knew his purpose. "I must single-handedly reform the American automotive industry," he said, thumping
  • his chest. He yodeled to Cheetah and rest of the animal kingdom. "We must show man the ways of the electric car." Tarzan had gone green. Jane was impressed. Detroit, however,
  • had sold out to the elephants long ago, and they were determined to stop Tarzan at any cost. Nkima was easily bribed with an interest in an offshore banana boat. He discouraged
  • people from bribing him in front of others, so they hid behind a sleeping elephant and whispered. "I'll give you a banana boat in exchange for a jetpack." Nkima was very intruiged.
  • Although the jetpack seemed very interesting, Nkima suddenly realized that he could not hold in his deep dark secret any longer. "Tarzan, I am your father".


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