soooooooooooooooooooooo watcha wanna twalk

  • soooooooooooooooooooooo watcha wanna twalk about
  • Heya. I'd like to hear from the teacher who forced a bunch of students into playing a game that they didn't understand and were not interested in. Let's hear it, Teach. ;-)
  • Mrs. Michaels stood up in front of the everyone in the courtroom and swore to tell the truth. Then she sat down. "I didn't force my students to play," she explained. "The game was
  • Chinese Whispers but the chinese students said it was Taboo. Some of the other students called them dumb and started playing Dumb Charades. And that's when the trouble started.
  • In Dumb Charades you are allowed to shout, "No, that's not it." and "Ok, there word is." The whole point of Dumb Charades is to be the first person to say that this game is
  • super awesome! Next you play Dictionary Scrabble where everyone looks up obscure words before their turn and no one cares. That's the way we always play at your house. Why not
  • expand our vocab a smidge while we entertain ourselves? After that, it's mass quantities of caffeine & a Chutes&Ladders / Twister hybrid where we head down to the local playground
  • and challenge each other to contests of extreme daring. It is surprisingly easy to climb up the slide wrapped around someone's leg, but sliding down the ladder can be quite painfu
  • l. But, a dare is a dare, and if he made a fool of himself in front of everyone on the playground, he'd never live it down. So, he decided to create a distraction with the help of
  • that nice man over there in the overcoat who liked to give candy to all of the kids at the playground. He walked over to the man & asked "Mister, can you help me?" Bad bad mistake.


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