Nasa finally settled on the foop tube propulsion

  • Nasa finally settled on the foop tube propulsion as a cost saving measure. Mr. Simpson had not passed the physicals until they looked at his cc gas/burito specs. The flight to mars
  • was going to be one bumpy, smelly ride. Mr. Simpson finished the last of his Taco Bell before settling into the foop tube. "Good luck and God Bless SImpson." The General nodded and
  • fell asleep. The General had been taking slugs of Wild Turkey the whole time Mr. Simpson was getting ready. The General had stopped caring when Bob Barker quit the Price Is
  • Right, claiming that the giant panda on the veranda would not let him host anymore. The General had gone out with hi elephant gun to bag the panda, but came back with Good Humor
  • bars for everyone! General Woundwort snorted loudly, then kicked a candy bar directly into the face of the Panda. The Panda was nonplussed, but he ate it anyway, shot the
  • waiter and left. Pandas aren't known for being heavy tippers. Unless they're sitting on a scale. General Woundwort lamented how Kudos bars these days aren't chocolate coated. His
  • mind wandered, detaching from the trauma of the situation and regressing towards happier times, memories of Pa and the Kudos bar Cindy had given him at the fair when he was seven
  • wandered momentarily across his mind, but then he turned back to matters at hand: the washing machine. He could have sworn he separated his socks from his underwear, but upon clo
  • uds of fate blow the winds of chance. And so it was that Harvey Finklestein happened to glance behind the dryer just when a Lint Elf was making off with a single tube sock. He saw
  • in that very moment his ultimate doom. Harvey was destined to spend the rest of his life at the mercy of the dire Lint Elves and their mischievous sock-stealing antics forever.


  1. Zetawilk Oct 17 2012 @ 01:19

    Eats, shoots and leaves. Which is how I feel because this crappy hand-me-down laptop no longer charges (the cable is frayed). I can't get my writing done or talk to people again. I'll sure miss this place, it was good for writing at when I had writer's block. Oh well. Goodbye.

  2. 49erFaithful Oct 17 2012 @ 12:45

    You could always eat chutes and leaves....?

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