It was the best of times, it was the worst

  • It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. It was the time of our lives, timely yet timeless... peacetime was our pastime, but sometimes it's past springtime.
  • It was about that time that we sprang forward, only to fall again, back in time... Do you remember? Do you remember? Do you remember? The words echoed as I woke up in 1863.
  • There wasn't much to see, in 1963, but we're as happy as can be, my time machine and me.
  • But, then I was sitting on the golden chair, the arc of the time dial spinning slowly behind me, and we were somewhere in the middle of Montana, by my calculations. Did '63 mean
  • 1863 or 2063? It was a little hard to tell from the worn and windowless cabin sitting right in front of me. A cold wind suddenly whistled past my ears bringing the scent of
  • lost hope and early demise to my attention. Snow was snow in any century, and so I trudged with haste to the worn and windowless cabin, grey with time but a welcome haven from
  • the flurrying icy winds. I entered the humble abode, shaking a glowworm I'd kept in my piocket and placing it on the receptacle. In this quiet place I could hear inwardly
  • the cries of my existential crisis: this world has no meaning! Existence is absurd! Death is the only choice left in this desolation! My worm lit a figure before me. It was
  • Mabel from accounting. "You okay puddin' head?" I raised my ink smudged face and stared at her with bloodshot eyes. "Couldn't be better." ( I couldn't. Worst hangover ever.)
  • This was just start of a long holiday weekend. Luckily, I was recovered just in time for the barbeque event. I didn't have to work. My cat and I took kitty naps instead. Relaxing!


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