So there he was, on the bridge of the ship,

  • So there he was, on the bridge of the ship, a bloodied axe in one hand and the beheaded body of the Xonian captain in the other. Justin could hardly believe what he had done.
  • He had saved the Xonian's life! He was a hero! "Excuse me," said the head, "Could you prop me back up on my shoulders again? Oh, and thanks again for helping out there. Er."
  • "Oh, of course, yeah, um-" Try as he might, he was unable to balance the Xonian's head on his neck, and it fell face-first into the dirt again and again. Bruised and bleeding, the
  • sun setting on the horizon, there was only one thing to do. Duct tape didn't solve every problem in the universe, but reattaching heads to bodies was one thing it was great at!
  • The only problem was that there was no duct tape to be found. So she put the headless bodies and body less heads in a bag and went on a quest to find some
  • Chinese food that wasn't too salty. It was a long and fruitless quest, some say doomed to failure from the start. But by the time she returned to the scene of the crime
  • she starting to attack chef who work in Chinese food. and force they record a tape saying "Chinese food doomed to failure from the start."
  • "Him no cook good them damn noodle and anyho he catch 'em rassie'n'benjee make you sum goulash longtime. Don't eat heeze no good food from Uncle Wong" The underground chinese rap
  • checker matches were bloody, brutal and fierce. Every year the best Chinese Checker Players worldwide gather under Memphis to compete to see who is the true champion.
  • There is a massive human-sized checkerboard, with each contestant wearing a shirt, and they must hug when they've been kinged. Then they give the loser chiggers.


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