Innocuous lullabies seemed to serendipitously

  • Innocuous lullabies seemed to serendipitously prepare the stunned boy for the chair being thrown at him as he remembered he was running down the stairs to escape the long-arm of an
  • evil wrestler called The Law Firm. The boy dodged the onslaught of office chairs and balled-up grievances as he fled the club. The Law Firm tore off his 3 piece suit; a theme song
  • about a job where one must work 9 to 5 and the ensuing drudgery sung by a woman was the evil wrestler named "The Law Firm's" choice atmospheric when entering the ring. It struck
  • Thirteen o'clock that day and the trains stopped running. Everything was automated nowadays, making such events possible. At 13:48 the engineer screamed bloody murder, taking an
  • umbrella through the eye when the train was boarded by a horde of Grannies. By 13:54 the train was theirs. That is when Granny General Abigail Crabtree portalized into the caboose.
  • The hard candy trolley was late by 14 minutes, agitating the Granny horde, but by 14:37 the sun was blazing them into a stupor of half-uttered observations on the scenery the train
  • had somehow missed. Mr. Sudbury got a terrible sunburn, but it felt good on his shingles. Mrs. Dingle was disappointed that the hard candy trolley was out of ginger balls. Dr. Goo
  • ber and Dr. Gomer reminisced about the days when everybody’s fridge-freezer came with a full water bottle and boxes of chocolate Turkish taffy and chocolate-covered bananas. Mrs.
  • Butterworth wiped the counter a final time and stood back to admire her work. The syrup mafia would find her eventually, that was a given. She lit a smoke and sank into her lazy
  • boy chair, waiting. Just then Aunt Jemima, recently freed from the supermarket shelves to become a freelance assassin, snuck up behind Mrs. Butterworth and popped a cap in her ass.


  1. noah Nov 05 2022 @ 22:36

    Murder on the Orient Express has nothing on this story...

  2. pinky Nov 09 2022 @ 09:42

    All hail TarotGuy, still the Supreme Master of the Final Fold! Thank you for yet another giggle!

  3. TarotGuy Nov 09 2022 @ 22:57

    Thank YOU, pinky! You made my day with your compliment. Knarf!

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