I woke up with my knees against the seat

  • I woke up with my knees against the seat in front of me. My head was splitting, and there was a very bad smell that seemed to overpower me. I could not remember where I was, and
  • where my friends had gone. I had blacked out after the fifth shot of Patron. I must have passed out in the car. That wet stuff on the seat was my
  • aborted attempt at a frozen concoction cobbled together with whatever was on sale at 7-Eleven. I stumbled back into the store, groggy, looking for Advil. The clerk yelled "You! You
  • can't be here! The cops, they said. You... you bad news!" The clerk was furious, he was spitting. I gave him a one-fingered salute and sighed. "Just give me pills and I'll go
  • back to rehab-I just need this last hit. The clerk looked at me sternly and pulled out his foreign version of a police badge. This country was driving me nuts. I snatched the pills
  • and took them all at once, before Officer Dickhole could do anything about it. Might as well go to jail trippin' balls, right? Well, I learned the hard way that
  • pyschedelics in a penal context is not a recipe for life success. I ended up killing three "devils" and was rewarded 20 hard years in an Iowa SuperMax. Fortunately, a technicality
  • got me out in just 2 months, still soon enough for me to meet Toots, the self-proclaimed "king" at the prison. Toots was on death row, but before I was sprung he made me promise to
  • smuggle a package to his son. And so I spent my first day outta prison with Toots' son, a boy ill-equipped to inherit his father's crime empire. "What's in the box?" he said meekly
  • I don't know, you can open it. Toots' son opened his package. Inside was a gun and a note. He picked up the gun and shot me in the chest. I guess he wasn't ill-equipped after all.


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