habia cinco cerdos

  • habia cinco cerdos
  • , y entonces no había ninguno. ¿Qué pudo haber pasado con ellos? ¿Se mueven a pastos más verdes? Los cinco cerditos
  • was the latest disappearance. The police were stymied. The one who went to market, gone. The one who stayed home, gone. All five, gone. Was the Big Bad Wolf involved?
  • "Oy vey!" the Big Bad Wolf replied, straightening his yamaka as he was questioned by the cops. "How would I know where the 5 piggies are? No,I was at the synagogue praying. I don't
  • know any piggies in ze neighbourhood. How dare you accuse me of piggy eating. You guys must be those racist copz." The Wolf snickered and look at them daringly. "I guess I might
  • have pork breath." The Wolf jauntily sashayed into a starbucks.
  • "I just ate the three pigs," the wolf told the barista, "what kinda coffee is good after the other white meat?" The barista curled her lip, obviously a vegetarian. "Help us!" squea
  • Led the pigs. I pulled them out of her mouth just in time, along with her dentures. "How dare you!?!", she hissed. Now she was toothless. Whew!
  • "I don't need teeth because I don't bite; I crush!" She suddenly grew, splitting her skin; no longer an old woman but a 14.75 foot snake woman who just wrapped us all in her tail.
  • I pulled a mouse from my pocket, enticing the snake-woman with a new prize. In her moment of greed I bit her head off and laughed at her self destruction.


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