جلست سارة في منزلها وحيدة،

  • جلست سارة في منزلها وحيدة، غرفة المعيشة مظلمة إلّا من ضوء القمر الذي أشع من النافذة. ترتشف من قهوتها في الظلام الدامس، و إذا بها تسمع صوتاً مخيفاً قادم من حيث تعلّقت صورة جدّتها.
  • فتملكها الخوف و الذعر كثيراً ما ترعبها هذه الفكره فكره الخوف من هذا المخلوق المجهول المخيف الذي يظهر لها من خلال الصور المعلقه في الظلام هذا ما يجعلها تذهب مسرعه الى غرفه نومها
  • تحاول ان لاتفكر فيه هي تحاول بكل مالديها تحاول تجنب كل ماشأنه ان يذكرها به انا مجرد افكار واوهام تدور في رأسها لاشي من هذا حقيقي
  • طريق يجمع بينهم لذا كانت تفضل ان تعيش تلك القصة التي تجمع بينها وبينه في الخيال بدلاً من العيش في واقع بعيداً عنه ، الواقع الذي يخلو منه للاسف كانت تفضل ان لا تعيشه ،
  • فأحيانا الأحلام مكانا أفضل للعيش فيه، مكانا لا يخالف رغباتك و طريق أسهل للسعادة ، يأخذك بعيداا عن قساوة الواقع فهو علاج لفاقدي الأمل و قد يكون الصعب الاستمرار العيش فيه لانه يخلو
  • لانه يفقد الواقعيه ،فعالم الاحلام عالم جميل فيه يبتعد الانسان عن متاعب الحياه وهو حلم كل شخص العيش في طوال حياته في يتحقق امآله وطموحاته التي صعب الواقع تحقيقه ولكن صدمه الواقع
  • ولكن احيانا يكون الواقع افضل من الحلم بكثير ربما تكون الأحلام مزعجه تفسر المعارك التي تعيش بداخلنا من المتاعب والصعوبات اللي نمر بها بحياتنا وتفسر الصعوبات اللي نمر بها نامي عيش وا
  • لان ساره لم تكن قادره على سيطره والتفكير في اتخاذ قرار صارم ليغير مجرى حياتها الى جد فكانت تاخذ الاحلام الكثيره في سبيل تحقيق اهدافها لكنها لاحقا ادركت الخطاا وسارعت في حل المشكله.
  • I didn't need a translator. I could pretty much guess what so many faceless avatars would be writing about. It was probably just one person, logging in over and over, trying to hog
  • the player count. no one ever thought that the state of the human race would ever degrade this much. But look at them... Look at all of them! Humanity has disconnected.


  1. SlimWhitman Oct 05 2018 @ 19:36

    Welcome to malayeen, KhadijaAli, Amthalws, Esraa, Nourawael, Noofalenezi & naeema! There is no requirement to have an avatar here. Only the desire the share story-writing with others! It is also not so hard to copy paste your folds into google translate to see what the story is about. I think if people don't want to go to the trouble to translate, they can find many other stories to contribute to on this site. Here is what I got from Google translate into English for your nearly completed story - its a little abstract but has a voice quite unusual for the foldingstory site: Sarah sat in her single house, the living room dark except from the moonlight that shone from the window. She sings from her coffee in the complete darkness, and maybe she hears a frightening sound coming from her grandmother's image. The fear and fear of this fear, and often the fear is terrified by the idea of ​​the idea of ​​the fear of this frightening unknown creature, which reveals itself to her through the images suspended in the dark. This makes her go speeding into her bedroom Trying to not think about it and trying by all means to avoid everything that reminds her of it as just thoughts and illusions revolving in her head. Better if it was made real in a way that combines them: she would rather live that story that combines them in his imagination instead of living in a reality away from him,for a reality that is free of him, she would prefer not to live. Sometimes dreams are a better place to live, a place that is not contrary to your desires and an easier way to happiness. It takes you away from the harshness of reality. It is a cure for the hopeless and it may be difficult to continue living there because it is empty. Because it dissolves reality, the world of dreams is a beautiful world in which man moves away from the troubles of life. It is the dream of everyone to live throughout his life in achieving his hopes and aspirations that are difficult to achieve in stark reality. But sometimes reality is better than the dream. Perhaps the dreams are disturbing because they explain the battles that live within us, telling of the troubles and difficulties we are going through in our lives and explain the difficulties we are experiencing in Nami life. Because Sarah was not able to control and think of taking a strict decision to change the course of her life according to grandfather, it would take many dreams in order to achieve its goals, but later she realized the sins and strived to solve the problems ..

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