The photographs had already started fading.

  • The photographs had already started fading. The faces were still recognizable but with significant strain. It had only be 3 years but the whole town became stranded, haunted.
  • The "incident", as the Government referred to it, had created an exclusion zone around the outskirts of the town extending 5 miles in every direction. Few remained...holdouts dedic
  • ated their lives to holding stories. All they had were words, and a word after a word after a word is power. They were going to need it.
  • Games of words later ensued, from Scrabble to Pictionary to Words with Friends, they were all hamsters trying to out-word each other on the board game of Life, but not literally.
  • Gregor the Hamster tried to outdo his brother, Georg. This went on all night, much to the annoyance of their humans. Jenny the cat joined them, since she was up all night.
  • Jenny the cat couldn't take part in the competition, since she was outside the cage, but she cheered them on none the less. Finally, Gregor and Georg the hamsters collapsed in a
  • heap, their little hamster bodies huffing and puffing. The show had been a huge success, and Jenny the cat thought so too. "You guys didn't wonderfully!" She purred, tail swishing.
  • Hermoine perked up her ears. "Did I hear a didn't? Negative reviews after all the effort we put into our Hamster Chorusline, even from a cat makes me feel like a hamster in a wheel
  • of fire! Lemmee at him!" With that , Hermoine became a savage whirling ball of hamster hate, and she hurled herself at the offending cat critic who made a dreadful cry and headed
  • deep into the chamber of secrets chamber of super secrets. Hermoine chased after the offending cat & with one scoop of the magic goop surrounding her became a dog & ate him. Ha Ha!


  1. SlimWhitman Oct 31 2016 @ 18:41

    Don't look folks. Keep moving. The Government will take care of this little hams... err.. incident.

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