During intense raining, the cat suddenly

  • During intense raining, the cat suddenly started starring into grannys eyes just to realize that overall
  • Granny was soaked. So Granny and the cat took shelter from the intense rain under the sparse leafage offered by a large tree. Soon the rain had become a thunderous storm and the ca
  • the cat ran under the bed. To her surprise, she was not the only one under there. Granny was also under there! She was scared too! Granny and the cat stayed under the bed until the
  • giant taffy monster left the room. There was only the sound of his sticky raspy breath to fill the void.
  • The taffy maker shivered with fright. He knew he had to work quickly to make more taffy for the children. It was almost time for the parade to start and his shop was empty!
  • Thank heavens for the boards nailed securely across his doors and windows. Those children were monsters. Always hungry. Always demanding more. He couldn't make enough to
  • deter them, make them stop haunting his nightmares. Though they were only child vampires, they'd get at him soon. Sunlight only made their inhuman thirst worse. He'd have to get
  • a tin or red kool-aid, before sunrise. The sugar paired with the food coloring would temporarily satiate their bloodthirst until sunrise, providing enough time for him to board
  • the ship and leave this awful place. The plan worked and he was on the boat, thinking he was safe from the creatures huntinf him. But the sun hadn't risen yet
  • and he neglected to notice the giant purple hairy OCTOPUSSY right behind him! When it purred, he understood he was about to be devoured...whole.


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