With a flip of his thumb, the chained-on

  • With a flip of his thumb, the chained-on lid spun off and swung to the side. He rarely let his work get in the way of his drinking. There were things Bill did sober and things
  • he actually enjoyed. He was an airplane pilot, good pilots have to drink, at least that's what F. Lee Baily said. Of course, he piloted the space shuttle but so what?
  • Don't tell me the Russians didn't take up some vodka to celebrate that first flight in space? Of course they did! But what they also took was
  • some Tang for an astronaut's screwdriver. Little did they know that they knew so little that the little they didn't know was the part they forgot. After 3 screwdrivers and a toke
  • the long term memory loss kicked in. The astronauts looked down at the control pattern like it was a baby's buzy board. "Weeee!" the commander said pushing buttons randomly.
  • Only Sim0n the android maintained his composure. He shook the commander. "Snap out of it, we need to get this ship under control or it'll head straight for the asteroid belt. We'll
  • crash if you don't get it under control. It doesn't matter that your wife broke up with you, you have the crew that loves you and needs you! Focus
  • on that crew, not on your wife! Keep your mind on the job, captain, and nobody needs to be hurt! Don't let your crew down just because your wife divorced you when she heard about
  • the time you spent in Canada after you graduated college. She asked for details, you gave them. You told her you were appalled by your actions, she didn't care. She told you then
  • that she only slept with conscientious objectors and draft dodgers during the vietnam war as a form of protest and that you were just her type.


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