A word to the wise ain't necessary. it's

  • A word to the wise ain't necessary. it's the stupid ones who need advice: The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.
  • And everyone else goes shopping! Zinnia pulled on her sling backs for another afternoon slugging it out down the mall. She was none too wise so she forgot that her overdraft limit
  • had a 'break the knee caps' clause. Sipping on her bubble tea, Zinnia met two men in tailored suits by the Gap. "Um, scuze us, miss, youse a bit overdrawn."
  • "Is I?" Zinnia acted surprised. "Well I declare...bankruptcy, that is!" One of the two men in tailored suits by the Gap couldn't take his eyes of Zinnia's elephantine breasts, and
  • evangelical buttocks beckoned his attention. He knew there was more to this story.
  • He searched through the plethora of disgrace, searching for the golden fold.
  • The golden fold...a myth, perhaps? He would discover it, if it existed. Aunt Valetta left a clue in her underwear drawer, handwritten on a slip of paper: What is last will be
  • found. Or first? Anyway please iron out the folds from my gold silk PJs after you're done perusing my lingerie drawer. Hugs, Aunt Valetta." At last the golden fold was within reach
  • Inside the grey storage box under the sheepskin vest.
  • There they were, glimmering, shining in the light... the jewels, goblets and amulets that had been saved for centuries. Who would have ever thought!


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