At the supermarket my mother handed me a

  • At the supermarket my mother handed me a bag of rambutans even though she was on a 'no rambutan' diet. I decided I wasn't going to be a party to her rule breaking so I
  • while she shopped for kim chee and sassafras I surreptitiously snuck rambutans from their hairy coverings and swallowed them whole, eating the entire bag. Mother was not impressed
  • until she saw hair suddenly sprout anew from my shaved head. Mom rushed back to the produce department & filled our cart with rambutans. Would this cure Dad's baldness? Also, if
  • these rambutans didn't, in fact, work, what could possibly do the trick? My luscious hair, flowing over my shoulders and to my hips now, whispered in my ear, "I'll never tell."
  • How those words will echo in my mind, spinning around, floating like a cheap screen saver in my brain all my days. Those words drove me insane 15 times. That's what I want to tell
  • you, that I went insane 15 times because I got a tapeword. And it was on accounta the keyboard. People who type on keyboards get tapewords 91% more than people who use touchscreens
  • . Tapewords, aka "Cestoda Lexconi" find refuge in the small crevices of keyboards. Although their natural sustinance is Doritos and Diet Coke, they have infested my brain. I crave
  • words. The tapeword dictates my hunger. Sentences snake through its serpentine digestive tract, its maw fastened with a chrysanthemum of teeth to my Broca's area. My run on mouth
  • spills forth with fatuous tarradiddle, like some insolent child who has just lost his favorite confection and is screaming for something... oh no.... What is that word over there?
  • That word is.... The End.


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