Sitting in the pavement. Holding my head

  • Sitting in the pavement. Holding my head as if it was going to drop. I tried to grasp the situation I'm in. Five minutes ago I was a normal person with a family. Now all I have is
  • the bath robe on my back and tears in my eyes with dust on my bare feet as I walk away from the burned ruins that were once my home. The lightning took the only people I have ever
  • loved.Prof. Wilkins and his wife had adopted me when my mother left for Frisco.I'd warned Wilky the Tesla transmitter was dangerous.Now they were toast. I had the plans in my robe
  • -spierre head above the fireplace. I removed the powdered wig lid and -GASP!- the Tesla transmitter plans were gone. In dire need of bovine intervention, I contacted Manatee PI.
  • J Manatee PI picked up the phone. The words, "Robespierre...Tesla transmitter...and I see." Was all that came from his mouth. He needed a single-malt scotch and then he would
  • meet his buddy Kevin Mittnick, who would help him hack the Tesla transmitter. They’d been BFFs since ‘81, when Manatee was a stoner security guard who let Mittnick into COSMOS.
  • First Kevin Mittnick would have to get past Tesla's hipster security detail, so he needed a diversion. Det. Manatee yelled "Einstein was a genius!" then ran like heck. That did the
  • Trick and Kevin sidled past security smoother than silky cream over chocolate lava cake. Once inside he found the tricked out concept car everyone was raving about. Frankly I don't
  • give a damn. All I cared about at that point was going to IHOP for all-you-can-eat pancakes. Kevin scoffed, shoved me in the car, & we zoomed outta there before anyone could
  • scoff louder than Kevin. IHOP became our White Castle&its pancakes our Holy Grail.Of course it had to coincide with a Romero movie bleeding into real life. Zombie pancakes, anyone?


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