Hmmmm....pole dancing classes down at the

  • Hmmmm....pole dancing classes down at the senior citizen center sounds kinda fun, thought Ella. No experience necessary. Orthopedic shoes OK, the ad said. But when Ella got there
  • leaders of the Polish community were dancing to traditional folk songs. Ella met a nice Polish man who asked her to dance with him. After the dance he asked Ella to dinner
  • at a traditional Polish restaurant. That was when, after having known him for less than a day, she decided he was the man she wanted to travel the world with. But he didn't want to
  • travel just "the" world, but all the worlds, and all the spaces in-between, and the complement of those as well. Agneszka had seen this whole dinner-mint thing before, but Kasomir
  • had also seen mint stuff too. He'd seen gum. He'd seen cinnamon flavored toothpicks. That's what made Kasomir the top of the breath game. Agneszka snapped her fingers
  • and Kasomir slapped an unopened pack of cinnamint flavored C4 in her out stretched hand. Agneszka pulled a detcord from her utility belt and placed the charge. Dentyne wasn't
  • satisfied with the plan, but Kas and Agneszka were ready to light the fuses, so Dentyne sprang into action, kicking his rusty motorbike into it's top gear and bursting through the
  • MOUS5 satellite network. The upcoming mission required Kas and Agneszka to bomb the psyop teams' headquarters. These were dangerous times and it was all too obvious. Thirty days of
  • pasar hambre de una forma desafortunada y vil
  • tazas de angustia lavanda apoyan el filósofo o poeta debajo de su cama. Despues no mi buscan ne dicen el nombre mio sin que ses los sangren la alma siempre.


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