Josh stared with emptiness into the rumpled

  • Josh stared with emptiness into the rumpled contents of his back seat. It was a jalopy sure, but it was his--he earned it fair and square, and as the crimson sun sank, so too did
  • the jalopy into the mud on the shoulder. The entire shoulder was wet because a sewage main had broken underground. The rank odor of the fetid juices of civilization soaked
  • up through the ground and into his white linen suit creating a disgusting effect but also effecting a passable disguise. He'd looked like shit before - this was different. He leapt
  • without looking and without care that people mocked him for being dressed like he was out of a Miami Vice casting call. Still, he was no
  • perp, pimp or pusher. He had class, depth and integrity. At least so he believed. But today something earth shattering was about to happen to our dear shambling man-beast.
  • Today was the day that all he had ever held dear would be torn apart, like a duck in a Chinese restaurant. His mother, who he had not seen since birth, was to be
  • deposed in a bloody coup. "MAMA!" He cried as he grabbed his AK-47. He ran out into the chaos unfolding in the streets. The fighting was getting more intense. He knew he must
  • get everyone's attention so that he could serenade them with a sorrowful song dedicated to Mama. He fired his weapon into the crowd so that they would notice him.
  • "I'm gonna sing a song 'bout my Mama!" He shot someone nearby, but continued on into a Texas swing version of Merl's "Mama Tried." The crowd uncrouched, and came to their feet,
  • and he began, "The first thing..." but it was very difficult to understand him because he shot someone each time he said a word. He had a lot of bullets. And that's terrible.


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