He'd had a crush on her since they started

  • He'd had a crush on her since they started opening together. He'd get there early in his pickle green VW bus. She in her "Integra." 5 am was not too early for love, at Starbucks
  • . She was beautiful in her Starbucks apron with bedhead hair and wrinkled clothes. His crush could turn to love, except--her 5am breath made it hard to work anywhere near her.
  • Just then, Majela Zeze Diamond, a frequent customer, came in. "Hey Majela Queen of V4gina, how are you today?" Majela ran back out the door with her wobbly bottom, gasping for air.
  • She was knocked on her back when she bumped into Her Majesty Queen of V8gina, a voluptuous health nut. "Have you know decency, V4?" asked V8. The brown-nosing V7's nodded and
  • followed her around like ladies in waiting. "Yes, I know decency," answer V4, "and you know none." V8 stumbled back in shock. "I am utterly appalled! No one speaks to me with such
  • insolence especially a four cyllinder engine with an unshared crankpin." V8 lorded it over the other engines in the garage. V4 wasn't part of the "in" clique. The rotary engine
  • was just considered to be a wanker. Rotary engines are always talking about tri-this and tri-that. V8 still thought he was hot crank case oil until the Jag rolled in. She had a V12
  • which overcompensated her body's angle to the ground. She'd need a V-4 to fix the damages, but that was how she went through life: not with a right-angle to the ground. Tomato
  • Man introduced her to his shy friend, Mister Celery, who was maybe not the most exciting guy, but a fine -- "I'm not into Mister Nice Guys!" she declared, revving her chainsaw
  • Two hours later, a lovely pot of vegetable soup was simmering on her stove. Nothin' like piping hot soup on a cold winter's night. Mmmmmm.... Come and get some!


  1. SlimWhitman Jan 06 2013 @ 07:51

    He removed the lid and Mr. Celery said, "Errr... I'm not done yeet. Try Mr. Tomato."

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