Following our tradition, we drank our way

  • Following our tradition, we drank our way through the election results. Now, after midnight, we're drunk. There's a new world starting tomorrow, so so
  • programmed election machines meant so-so counts which meant so-so candidate being elected and a so-so Supreme Court denying challenges which turns into a so-so economy with
  • a know-so media complex in a no-no triangulation of the culture of make believe. The fire's minions lick the flesh of the future and drool -- counting the votes like card-sharks.
  • "--- and that is why I turned to Scientology!" Cheers erupted in the crowded auditorium. It all made sense to them now. Hubbard was a true prophet (profit?) The next mission was to
  • exploit the new age mentality of vapid celebrities such as Tom Cruise and Jon Travolta-you know, mediocre talent, but popular among the stupid-and have them jump on fat ladies'
  • trampolines. Why did so many fat ladies have them? Tom Cruise was ok, since this was easier on his knees than Oprah's couch. Travolta wouldn't stop laughing, and Robert Pattinson
  • kept going "Aaaaaaargh, aaaaaargh, aaaaaaargh," every time I winked at him. Robert Pattinson obviously had issues that only I was equipped to deal with. I stroked his
  • ego when I winked at him again & said, "Oooooo, I just loooved you in the Twilight Series. Gooo Team Edward!" I was lying, of course.But anything that would stop Robert Pattinson
  • from his incessant pawing helped. "You would have been a great Harry Potter too.. far better than that ratcliff boy." Robert picked up his pencil and said "Wingardium Leviosa!" and
  • the pencil twirled effortlessly above his hand before writing the very last line of his first story. It was published online at FoldingStory and Rob developed a taste for more...


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