"Go on then - just f--k off!" shouted England.

  • "Go on then - just f--k off!" shouted England. "Think you'll find someone better? Think the EU will put up with your continual sulking!" Scotland was livid. "Yes, the EU LOVES me
  • but is the EU IN love with me?" Enough thought Daniel Craig. What he'd written was going to be the best Bond ever. But he couldn't put too much talent in it. He stopped there. Then
  • he decided to give the people what they wanted. That turned out to be just as much as he wanted to give them and no more. He and Rachel could live with that. People need freedom,
  • And so what, he thought even more defiantly to himself. So what if their freedom came at a cost. Isn't it OK to make that decision for yourself and for the greater good once in awh
  • ile? Lyle Lyle Crocodile switched off the dial as he headed down the TV aisle toward hosiery for a fitting lisle he could wear. Instead he could feel his bile rise at the sight of
  • the Bible. Rifled by the his own nihil at the mistrial of ideas. Lyle became suicidal in the aisle of TV and recited a song to recycle old vials in pain.
  • Stairway to Gilligan's Island is a mashup of the Gilligan's Island theme song done to the music of Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin. Suicidal Lyle in the TV aisle sang that.
  • We watched him on the security camera pacing in the TV aisle and singing Stairway to GIlligan's Island loudly. Customers fled from him,
  • Probably because of an acoustic signature his singing uttered a handshake signal to one of the TV AIs and all the TVs were tuned to him. He saw what he looked like in 4K. He dead.
  • Regaining his consciousness, he looks up, realizing that he isn't, in fact, dead, but merely fell unconscious. The AIs disconnected from him and he sits up, looking around.


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