In 2024 McDonalds finally gave in and refused

  • In 2024 McDonalds finally gave in and refused to actually put ANYTHING of nutritional value in their food - meat was replaced with edible plastic, soda was actually a long-chain

  • smoking café gift certificate boiled down to a fizzly syrup. The hash browns recipe could stay unchanged by these standards, another victory for convenience. Future McDonalds toys

  • were the answer!" Screamed Doc Brown. "If we could go back to the future and alter the McDonald's Toys so that they could transmit secret messages, then..." But Marty was not follo

  • -wing. He was too busy dipping his french fries in his icecream. "It's sweet.. AND salty!" Marty cried out. Doc Brown continued to think of a way to go back to the future. The secr

  • etion of ice cream onto fries gave him an idea. "That's it Marty!" He shouted more to himself than anyone and dashed into the garage, "1.21 Gigawatts!" He hollered. Marty looked

  • Like a true 80s zombie on his skateboard. Four years later, he lived in the same town and worked at a millinery on Main St. Hats were back, thanks to the hipsters' influence

  • The Hipsters were a fierce gang with unusual methods of control. They kept their numbers to 49% of the population to avoid being mainstream. They herded the town's sheeple easily.

  • But for all their hipsterism, the whole kit and kaboodle was only pointless preparation for the Uber Hipster. A hipster so hip that he didn't need hips. A real hep cat. Again, with

  • supreme ironic detachment, the Uber Hipster laid siege to Seattle, launching ukeleles over the wall to demoralize the citizens within. "There's only one thing to do" said the Queen

  • Bitch Godess, adjusting her crown of 'marital aids', "and that's to play Perry Como at a deafening volume until they subside!" And so it was that the hipsters shriveled. Victory!



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