This is my story and I'm sticking to it

  • This is my story and I'm sticking to it
  • ; quite literally, actually. I had woke up one morning to find myself considerably shrunken down in size, stuck against a book I had recently purchased. The adhesive seemed to be
  • made from dead horses. I wondered if it was the horses from the grand national horse race. I had enjoyed watching the horses jump over the hedges and crash into
  • the wheelie-bins that I had strategically placed beyond as a subtle selective measure to identify the most nimble-of-hoof of the participants. But never had I though that the super
  • Hick would fly in and save the day. Super Hick was Superman's cousin, the one who stayed on the farm, helping Pa run his moonshine. While his City Slicker cousin got famous, Super
  • man ran for President and stole votes from Superwoman. This election was down and dirty. Faux News had a field day promoting Superwoman comics from the Fifties as the prototype of
  • what an ideal woman should be like, super intelligent, never tired, beautiful & wearing a spandex suit. In the fantasy universe election, Superwoman runs against her archnemesis
  • Wonder Woman, but on the day of the elections it is realized that Super Woman is in fact an alien and Wonder Woman is a goddess, so each is disqualified and Colonel Rumpcheeks wins
  • a free trip back to his happy house in Bora Bora. Because everyone had written in the Easter Bunny as their candidate of choice. The inaugural speech mostly consisted of him tossin
  • g up easter Eggs and little Surprises, had won him over with the crowd, in April, over St. Nick in July.


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