"I'm afraid that I couldn't support you in

  • "I'm afraid that I couldn't support you in this", he told her, frankly. "Not now, not ever. Not a single brass farthing shall I issue from my pocket if it should perpetuate this fo
  • lly of a job. You know that I indeed am known for my excellency in ravishing the bank vaults of this city. Why would I consider allowing you
  • to be a part of this diamond smuggling heist? You dropped the dime on me last time, so leave now before I take this gun and make swiss cheese outa' your face you bumbling idiotic
  • fanatical dysphoric inebriated sleazy ADD diffident slippery overrated underpaid intransigent effeminate obnoxious deceitful--" The goomba had, after ten years, exhausted his vast
  • "grief bacon" around his midsection. Now the goomba was slender. He felt handsome. He felt attractive. He felt like dancing. He became Disco Goomba.
  • Disco Goomba started to dance. He danced his way into world 1-4, while all of the other Goombas were staring intently at him. He didn't care, he had become, The Disco Goomba.
  • Studio1-4 was popular with the Goombas since 1973. The Pregolagos were performing this particular night. The lead vocalist was dressed as a parrot. He was a real life parrot!
  • He was a Norwegian Blue who rarely pined for the fjords. Singing lead for this punkbird band was a step up from his last gig as an Ethics Lecturer at Trump University. Even as a pa
  • -id, non-attorney spokesparrot, he made more money. But the other birds were starting to avoid him, and during mating season this can be quite disconcerting for an avian.
  • Being grounded was a fate worst than death...he needed to fly...to SOAR and SEED...his species depended on him. So...he hired a cat to scare off all the males and then went to work


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