One day Taylor was walking through the cold

  • One day Taylor was walking through the cold snow to reach his eight o'clock class, which started in five minutes. He was halfway there when the wind picked up and blew off his hat.
  • His hat continued to roll down the street, and suddenly, it disappeared into a small hole located in the center of the street. Taylor ran to hole and looked down into it. He saw
  • Pennywise the clown wearing his hat & staring up at him with blazing red eyes. Pennywise laughed uproariously, crooked his finger & rasped, "Come down & get your hat, Taylor..."
  • Taylor dropped his pants and proceeded to urinate down onto the clowns head. "What the hell is wrong with you!" shouted the clown. He frantically wiped it off his face. Taylor
  • laughed and said, "Pennywise, come out an play!" The evil clown had met his match. A spoiled upper middle class white child named Taylor. He was going through a "phase."
  • Penny Wise had a brother named Half-Penny. He was very frugal and refused to get a new mattress. So Penny forced him to do so, offering to pay half. He reluctantly agreed to that.
  • Have you priced mattresses lately? They paid a pretty Penny, let me tell you. Penny was the name of the saleslady from whom Pennywise and Half-Penny bought the mattress. She was
  • an accomplished penny whistle player from Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin. She like perambulation, Psaltery, and polyandrous perversity perpetrated by The Choirboys of a Blind Alabama.
  • She was so accomplished on that pennywhistle that she was always looking for new challenges. Her latest attempt was “Flight of the Bumblebee.” Bad decision. Her fingers got all
  • blistered from the constant friction. She presented to the ER with the skin bubbling from her flesh, shocking the nurses. Her doctor banned her from pennywhistling ever again.


  1. SlimWhitman Mar 24 2018 @ 18:35

    Ouch. Many questions remain. Does Penny live in Pennylane. Is she a pinchpenny? Does she wear pennyloafers?

  2. LordVacuity Mar 24 2018 @ 19:44

    Does she invest in penny stocks? Is she a penny wise but a pound short?

  3. bunnycookies Mar 24 2018 @ 23:07

    She's certainly left the pennywhistle community Pennyless!

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