"Am I prolix?" asked the small shrimpy animancule

  • "Am I prolix?" asked the small shrimpy animancule swimming in the gloop. "Perhaps 'less is more' should be my mantra from now on." Smiling ever so slightly it flicked its pinkish
  • chest-flap at me. I vomited into the black-plasma and thousands of hover worms started eating it. I've never been used to this world's inner core. The small shrimpy animancule
  • Was studied under the microscope of DEt. Manatee and the sea monkeys. They were more familiar with shrimpy animancule than humans. Fergal Sharkey was called in too.
  • But at the last minute begged off on account as that he does not have a head for heights. Everybody said "WTF?" and we moved on. But now we find out that wasn't the end of it, The
  • little rubber cap not turning up. The only place it should be able to turn up was within a three foot diameter in his bedroom, thus proving inanimate objects defy all physics.
  • No, I must refute this, as the very nature of a little rubber cap might be that it bounced out the bedroom window and down seven floors to the sidewalk below, where it was picked
  • up by a musician on his way to a big audition to join an orchestra, seen as a luck charm, and pocketed. That little rubber cap is gone for good, I've admitted that to myself.
  • My house was gone, my car was gone, my cat was gone, my farm was gone, my groin was gone, and my
  • mom suggested I play the record in reverse. Suddenly, I got my farm, my cat, my car, and my house back, but sadly, no groin, and no girlfriend. I guess that thing about country mus
  • ic played in reverse to reveal hidden messages was also true. I played “Rumor Has It” in reverse and heard an eerie voice say “I buried Reba.” Still, no groin, and no girlfriend.


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