Jermaine Jackson ran into the pool house.

  • Jermaine Jackson ran into the pool house. Joe was shaving LaToya and Jermaine said, "I got an Idea, let's blend the old with the new, how about Quincy Jonas Brothers?"
  • "How about, shut up and keep shaving", said LaToya. Nick then fainted and everyone joined in shaving him.
  • The hair on his head was easily done with the sheep shearers but they needed hedge clippers for Nick's chest . LaToya gathered together all the hair a wove a
  • braided rug for the kitchen floor. The cat immediately fell in love with this rug and curled up on top of it, refusing to move. The cat had never shown much interest in Nick, but
  • all the neighborhood felines knew Nick was worthless as tits on a boar hog when it came to
  • nursing the kittens. But he enjoyed it so much. Purring loudly as they nursed and kneaded his belly. Why the kittens kept at it was a mystery. Nothing came from his pendulous teats
  • despite his training. Minutes later, his wife suddenly barged in and her mouth went agape as she took in the scene before her. "Just what the HELL do you think you're doing?"
  • " Why Hon, its just a little performance art. Enjoy it!" " But the tire skids on the ceiling," She sighed. His hobby of post-soviet modernism weighed heavy on their marriage. She
  • took a long drag and tightened her babushka. Babushka cat married me despite my taste in dadaist art which was symbolical of the war. My fault she was more frigid than a cold war.
  • I was always putting ice cubes in her water bowl to watch her bat them around in that cute little way that babushka cats have. The frostbitten paws soured her on our relationship.


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