Sometimes it's important to worry about where

  • Sometimes it's important to worry about where you are going. Kately discovered this one night. Head down walking the street, she was engrossed in her twitter feed and did not
  • see the out-of-control helicopter falling, spinning from the sky. Her noise-cancelling headphones, playing a Pandora mix of Katie Perry, kept her from hearing its whirling blades
  • , not because they were noise canceling, but solely due to the fact that Katy Perry sounds remarkably similar to a helicopter disaster. The helicopter blades would have decapitated
  • the baby, but his wails of anguish (not from the imaginary helicopter, but from Katy Perry), brought eveyone to his aid. "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!", screamed the baby
  • jesus. The Baby Jesus had a halo around its head that Blinded Katy Perry. Red love beams exploded from it's fingers, and marshmallow scented bubbles emanated from its
  • squishy lil' teets. Katy Perry had turned baby Jesus into a cow with her fireworks. She shouldn't have let her colors burst today. Now the entire world is in great peril. Katy took
  • Time to roar like the lion on whose back she was riding. Simba knew he had to get rid of thiswoman, so he hunched his back and she went flying back home, that was. Nobody knew any
  • differently until 3 years later when she returned heading an army of all of those Simba had claimed he had bucked to their homes but had really been sent to the gold mines as slave
  • -s. The angry army of former slaves set upon Simba's golden palace and tore it asunder. "Now you will pay us!" they told the cowering tyrant. "In blood?" he asked.
  • "No fool in gold! We can't spend blood." They took everything of worth and left the tyrant in shack on a deserted island.Then they partied all night toga style.


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