No matter where you were in that dump of

  • No matter where you were in that dump of a town; there was a higher than likely chance you'd find a lost animal mewling for your help.
  • And that day,that corner,that black stray kitty were no exception.Sasha was relunctant but bent down and held the kitty on his palm.Such a tiny thing with such powerful lungs!
  • Sasha wondered what the poor stray waif of a bedraggled black kitty wanted. Her luminescent green eyes pleaded upwards to her, as if to say, "Only your soul."
  • She was terrified for a moment,but realized she was being silly!How would a green eyed black kitty harm her?And why?It looked so adorable just now,before that devilish look crossed
  • the Rubicon!There was no way back...She was trapped in the dark alley with a black kitty from hell trying to kill her and she lost her voice,her bladder control and all dignity.
  • For 2 hours straight, all kinds of sounds were heard coming from the alley. Finally she emerged, naked, tufts of black fur & scratches covering her body. She was bloody & smelly,
  • but her face was lit with a triumphant grin that stretched from ear to ear. "You look like a cheshire cat" I jested, "Like the cat that ate the canary." She scowled. "Don't ever
  • , whatever!" She scowled again. I jested again. Then she frowned. Then I joked. Then she glowered. Then I gibed. Then she grimaced. Then I razzed. Then she gave me the evil eye.
  • I ponsied her· She double ponsied me. I hexed her. She warded it off & stuck pins in my effigy, but it was her effigy I dressed up to look like me. She dropped the doll. "My heart
  • aches really bad," she cried. I snatched up the doll to drive fatal pins in its head & heart. "I feel a profound loneliness beyond time & space," she whispered. I removed the pins.


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