Luis was making a pizza delivery south of

  • Luis was making a pizza delivery south of the border. The customs officer asks him if he has anything to declare. "Solo un cheese pizza officer an' 2 colas." "I smell anchovies
  • smirked the Border guard and looked at Officer Rafaella. Luis hated delivering pizza to the border. The guards were horrible. But it was the only way to get to TJ to meet Lupe.
  • "Lupe, my love, I have returned." TJ said when he had escaped the eyes of the border patrol. "Please, escape with me!" "I cannot." Lupe said sorrowfully. "I'm a werewolf."
  • TJ's jaw dropped. Another romance lost to lycanthropy! "This happens every time!" he screamed at Lupe, who began to sob. TJ turned and punched the window of the Border Patrol SUV
  • and shattered his fingers. Lupe warned TJ that he wasn't a lycanthrope like she. TJ wouldn't let that stop him reposting ampersand-laden tirades on web forums. Border Patrol was
  • aware of the situation but did not feel further investigation was warranted. If new evidence were discover they would revisit the issue. Please direct any questions to your local
  • FAQ page, which will give you impertinent information that you didn't look for in the first place. Then go ask your mother. She will refer you to your father. Your father will
  • silently fart then surreptitiously watch your reaction as he checks his email. At that point you have two choices: (1) hold your breath until you die or (2) run outside to ask Bob
  • for the taser. This was the kind of torture only a farting masochist could conceive. Damn him. The taser it was. "Bob!" ...
  • The big yellow taxi is about to run you over!" Bob grabbed his valise and tried to crawl away from the man eating cyborg driving his car. Splat! Black goo spread everywhere.


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