"Hey Spanky!"

  • "Hey Spanky!"
  • Spanky mumbled something in response but nobody knows what because Spanky had been dead for 20 years. His mummified body was nailed to the bar's front door where he "greeted" every
  • single person he saw with a toothy grin. Spanky's mummified body was actually not very well preserved at all. Most people who saw Spanky left with a look of
  • single person he saw with a toothy grin. Spanky's mummified body was actually not very well preserved at all. Most people who saw Spanky left with a look of
  • single person he saw with a toothy grin. Spanky's mummified body was actually not very well preserved at all. Most people who saw Spanky left with a look of horror on their faces
  • single person he saw with a toothy grin. Spanky's mummified body was actually not very well preserved at all. Most people who saw Spanky left with a look of horror on their faces
  • single person he saw with a toothy grin. Spanky's mummified body was actually not very well preserved at all. Most people who saw Spanky left with a look of horror on their faces
  • single person he saw with a toothy grin. Spanky's mummified body was actually not very well preserved at all. Most people who saw Spanky left with a look of horror on their faces
  • single person he saw with a toothy grin. Spanky's mummified body was actually not very well preserved at all. Most people who saw Spanky left with a look of horror on their faces
  • the fear inside them is rising boiling over like hot water in a pot. as he started walking towards them their fear arose even more their hearts pounding in their ears as he came


  1. LordVacuity Nov 12 2016 @ 15:05

    to appreciate Groundhog Day.

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