Yesterday, I found a wizard in my washing

  • Yesterday, I found a wizard in my washing machine. He claimed to have lived in there since 1889, but that couldn't have been, since this washing machine was manufactured last year.
  • I told the shady wizard to scram. He begged me to let him continue living in my washer, claiming he could make my whites whiter and colors more vibrant by adding LSD to the wash.
  • And I fell for it hook line & sinker. By the time the spin cycle had finished on the LSD enhanced wash, the shady wizard was fighting a dragon right there in the detergent drawer.
  • This absolute nonsense was beginning to actually make sense to me. I said a bunch of random words and pointed at the washing machine, which by now had mutated into a giant baby.
  • The giant baby had a giant diaper with a crow stenciled on the front. I puked, but the puke smelled like strawberry quick. This scene was starting to make sense to me because I am
  • plify my vision with steroid injections created by rogue, black market chemists. Strawberry quick. That's what they call it. The giant baby stood up and said in a manly voice, "
  • That will cost you 1500 yen." I shook my head, my thoughts clouded by the Strawberry Quick coursing through my veins. I reached into my pockets to
  • retrieve a couple strawberry cream covered pocky sticks to nibble on while I tried to wade through the brain fog that had overtaken me. 1500 yen seemed like an awfully large sum of
  • money to be spending on brain fog. The fact that I could still consider the question of it's quality was proof that this brain fog that we were expected to dish out 1500 yen for wa
  • shing out the curious stains in our laundry. We agreed to do it just this one time. Next time we would have a different dry cleaner, preferably somewhere completely different.


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