The sound you hear when you crack your knuckles

  • The sound you hear when you crack your knuckles is actually the sound of nitrogen gas bubbles bursting.The sound is so soft that u only can hear it when you are in a quiet place
  • Body snatchers rarely take vacations, since they have precious little time to spread their seed. But Clarence was tired and needed to think. Perhaps just a few days in
  • his seed pod, safely hidden away in the lab, so he could recuperate. Afterwards, Clarence would be ready for further assimilation of the human race into Pod People.
  • After hiding away, Clarence made way with the plans. She got out the blueprint for the Pod she built to home living people: this was the way she would take over the world. She read
  • the instructions once again, preparing for what was about to happen. She was still haunted by the happening from the previous day, when
  • a guy pop out in front of me.Am i dreaming or what?He
  • looked confused & had icing stuck to his face. "This isn't the Bieber party?" he asked meekly, adjusting his thong as he stepped out of the cake. "Uh, no, dude. You're in the
  • Elk's lodge pancake breakfast sir." The thonged dancer politely climbed out of the cake. "Well, sorry folks, I guess I was delivered to the wrong crowd." An old woman held up a qua
  • ntity of pancakes in each fist, "I got pancakes!" The girl made a call. No answer, no ride. She shrugged at the onlookers, then crawled back into her cake and took a nap. To hell
  • with patisserie. I'm going to get out of the cake business and do something honest. Quail hunting, accountancy, professional poker playing-- they're what my tarot cards suggest.


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